Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Starts

Helloo September...
I have something in my mind. Will this month be my month ?
Too many regrets, pain, confusion and ignorance happened as the months passed  by.
Will I have the courage to 'wear a new skin' that will take effort and determination like I never did before.
I know I can.

I will start collecting candies along my life journey.

Today should be awesome. May be it's Monday.
But soon at office I get that our team will have lunch out together.
Last month or last two months, i don't remember , Our FC (Financial Consultant) Team got reward for our target achievement. So as our manager has promissed we'll have lunch together in the place that we voted.
So we voted 'The Duck King' as our lunch veneu.

So there it goes, we spend the 1st working day on September doing nothing but having fun.

        Lidia Aritonang

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